Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Waste Not, Want Not

I HATE waste. Once again, a throw back to my frugal upbringing in a home supporting eight children and growing up closely with my Grandmother who lived through the Depression. 

It starts with Beets.
A friend of ours, Harley, offered me a bag full of beets and I jumped at them!  I LOVE beets, especially when they are pickled.

I washed them in our sink, taking the dirty water outside to water our baby goji berry bush.
I removed the greens and older leaves and put the beets on the stove to simmer for 30 minutes or so before dunking them in ice cold water.  The older leaves ended up in the compost pile.

The newer greener leaves fed the donkeys and chickens. 

After removing the peel and roots, which slid right off, I had a bucketful of scraps and headed back out to the chickens and donkeys.  YUM!

I heated the vinegar, sugar mixture, poured it over the sliced beets and canned the beets for future pleasure, which happened to be in like 15 minutes.  haha
So you see, no waste.  Dirty water, greens, old greens, peels and roots plus the beets themselves.  I will spare you from the chicken and donkey poop talk and what I do with that.  *See last post.  lol 

Permaculture at its finest.  Next up:  Green beans.

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