Friday, December 5, 2014

Yikes, this is harder than I thought

Two days with no salads and 2 days with.  I DID clean some spinach and put it in a bowl yesterday, but I wasn't hungry, so thought that was dumb to eat when I didn't want food.  I am about to eat the spinach right now with some poppy seed dressing for today's salad.  Tonight we are eating at the cabin with the Blackman's and she is bringing a salad, so count that as one of my missed days.  lol  It's my rules. 

One of the two salad's was romaine, tomatoes and ham from Thanksgiving with a California Honey French dressing.

The second salad had romaine, tomatoes, cucumbers and turkey and I used an Italian dressing.

 And I am about to eat spinach for today, not fancy, but a salad, all the same.  :)

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