No "new" purchases for this past week.
I did, however, purchase a stack of used books at Goodwill for Elle and myself. This is always a thrill and I highly doubt it will ever stop.
In other news, FOUR items were fixed in our household by my husband, JR, this week.

Dishwasher Rack
Plug on my Percolator Coffee Pot
Windshield Washer Pump on Daughter's Car
Our washing machine started acting wonky a while back. It wouldn't rinse and spin properly during a normal cycle. I would have to put it in a designated spin cycle and even then it wouldn't always work. Error codes would pop up saying power failure and too much suds, etc. I also had noticed, every now and then, there was a faint sewage smell. JR thought it was the pump, so ordered the part. It came in and JR removed the front of the washer to replace the old parts.
P U!!! There sat the filter, FULL of gross smelling artifacts from who knows how long ago. We got this washing machine 13 years ago and never knew this filter existed. Yuck and double yuck. JR cleaned it out and never did have to replace the pump. He is deciding if he should hold on to it or send it back.
About half the time I pulled the top drawer of my dishwasher out to load or unload dishes, the dang thing came off the tracks. Cheap plastic parts were the culprit and it had cracked. JR ordered the parts and now I have 2 new metal brackets on my dishwasher. This dishwasher has been a gem, not. It's a Kenmore, like our washing machine, but it is only 4 years old. JR has already replaced the heater inside because it wasn't heating the water properly and fixed a pump part that was broken causing the sprayers not to work right. Kenmore, I have always loved you, but you have been letting me down lately.
Speaking of dishwashers, my sister, Alison, told me she fills her jet dry compartment with white vinegar. I looked it up online and there were mixed reviews, some people said it was bad for the machine, other people raved about it. I decided to try it and so far so good! My dishes come out sparkly!
Our daughter Morgan's car is old. It's better than walking, but little things break from time to time, big things, too, but this time it was it's windshield wiper fluid pump. It took Mr. Fix-it less than 30 minutes to replace and now she can see through clean glass again.
Last, but definitely not the last fix he will do around here, was the cord to my electric percolator. A few of our outlets have stiff plugs and the one I use to brew my coffee is one of them. I plug and unplug the coffee plug almost every day and I guess I loosened the wires or whatever causes it not to work. I would have to lift the cord and set it on something to have it give the coffee pot electricity. JR replaced the end of the plug for me and now it works like new.
It pays to fix things. The amount of money spent on parts was minimal to replacing these items. Of course, you have to have knowledge how to fix things, but with the internet, it is so easy to find instructions on just about everything. I lucked out and have a guy who will take the time to fiddle and repair items around the house and yard because then I don't have to do it, but he saves us a ton of money. When in doubt, figure it out.
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