Another day spent outside and my body is feeling it. Today cantaloupe seeds, peanut plants and cherry tomatoes found a home in the garden and the asparagus area got cleaned up half-ass.
I'll need to weed out the asparagus better soon. While pulling back leaves, there were quite a few asparagus about the size of a sharpie marker. I was planning to have them for dinner tonight, but JR was delayed, once again, this time in the Atlanta airport. He'll be home later tonight. There were a few WHITE asparagus under the leaves. I tried one raw and I much prefer the green. I thought they were supposed to taste better??? Maybe not, I say.
This morning I cut all the eyes out of my red potatoes from the pantry in preparation of planting them. Hopefully they weren't sprayed with something to stop growth, but every single one of my potatoes had eyes growing. I looked up information on how to plant them, since I never have before, and it said people let the pieces sit out overnight to dry out before planting. I guess if you put them directly in the garden, they will rot if you don't dry them. I'm not ready to plant them anyway. JR needs to move a fence for me. In the square foot method, you can put one eye or chunk of potato per 1 sq ft. I will have a 4 X 4 foot square for them.
One interesting thing I learned while researching. I always knew the green potatoes were bad for you because they were toxic, but what I didn't know was they turned green because they were allowed to be exposed to sunlight. As soon as a potato plant reaches approx. 6" tall, you need to mound dirt up along the sides of the plant and repeat until the plants flower. This will be interesting. Growing peanuts will be interesting, too. Same idea, really, sorta, kinda.
Until JR moves my fence, I can only plant my onion sets and clear up the asparagus bed. I'm not 100% sure I want the fence where I thought I did, so to plant the onions would be risky. I'll go out tomorrow and figure it out. Kimbre has a water polo tournament Fri and Sat, so no gardening those 2 days...Thank God. lol My poor body.
Besides the fact that I am extremely thorough, the reason it takes me so long everyday to accomplish so little is because I have a crazy method of gardening. First I figure out what area needs to be weeded, then I dig up every single little weed I can find. I usually keep a pile of the weeds and give them to the rabbits. After weeding, I dig a hole for each plant or seed I am planting and I half fill it with kitchen compost. I add a little more dirt, then plant the seed or the plant. I water them in with rainwater, add more compost to the ground under the plants and then mulch with leaves. And I am slow.
This morning I had a GREAT run on the treadmill. I ran 3 minute intervals at 5mph, 6mph and 7mph then 3.4mph twice at .5% incline, 2.4 miles. Yes, that is POINT FIVE incline. I read to simulate running outside on a treadmill you should set the incline to 1.5%, but that is too much for me. It tends to bother my knees and I'm not about to hurt myself cause someone in a book says. Besides, I tried the other day and I couldn't do it. lol
After running, I put Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 level 2 and the dang thing wouldn't work! Of course, it waited until I was committed before it digitized on me. I called the place I ordered it from immediately and they are sending me a new one. I went back in my room and picked out a pilates (yuck) dvd and did the dance routine for a total of 10 minutes before I switched over to traditional pilates. It was OK, but nothing I would do on a regular basis. I listed it for sale online. I have oodles of pilates DVDs and I don't even like doing them.
My order from LL Bean came in today. I got a large rug since we are now using the back door instead of the laundry room to let out the dogs. I LOVE it and it looks very pretty. It's their waterhog mat with a half circle at the top to look fancy. I also got 2 mats for the kitchen, but I don't dare put them down until Dexter is trained. I had ordered Remy a therapeutic dog bed because she has been getting more and more stiff, but I didn't like the color of the cover. It's a denim material and was called burlap, but it honestly was the color of puke. They are sending me a blue one, like we have in a different style.
JR just arrived home, time to be a wife. :)
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