Thursday, January 10, 2019

BOOK REVIEW: Accidental Farmers by Tim Young

City man and wife turn country farmers, is the premise of the book, Accidental Farmers.  Tim Young bought 72 land-locked acres in Georgia after a weekend horse back riding in the country for his wife's birthday.  Gone were the days of expensive clothing, fancy dinners out, theater and travel. They jumped in with both feet buying pigs, cows, chickens, etc. with absolutely no knowledge except for what they had read in books.  They were firm believers in natural raising and living of their animals, basically weeding out the sick and breeding the strong.  A business grew, selling free range meats, eggs, cheeses, etc. to consumers looking for a healthy alternative to factory farmed animals. BUT, from what I gathered reading their book, his wife wasn't necessarily on board.  She wanted to homestead, grow food and animals for their own use and not worry so much about becoming a business.  This is exactly what they are doing now, many years after he wrote this book, but they also teach others how to farm and start a business in the country.  I was up and down with liking this book.  It started out as an entertaining, interesting read, then became kind of factual, then he switched to third person, then he reverted back to first person, all in all, I am glad I read it.  It gave me plenty to think about on the way they did things.  4 out of 5

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