Decluttering is still crawling along which resulted in 2 boxes dropped off of DVDs, books, clothes and a few toys to the thrift store this week. While there, I took a look around and thankfully the store was pretty picked over, less to tempt me that way. I did manage to find a little red bucket.
I have to admit, Elle hasn't put this bucket down since I have brought it home. I had it on the back porch and the first time she walked by, she snagged it. Inside it went and became the receptacle to her plastic animals. She counted the animals as she plunked them into the bucket, poured them out and repeated. A little later we went outside to play in the sandbox and out the bucket went. I spent 50 cents. Worth it. The fact that it is metal and not plastic is a plus.
We went into a nearby town on Saturday to pick up Elle and to get groceries and ended up eating at a taco place, which happens to be located right next to a Goodwill I frequent. I peeked in the store while JR waited in the car with Elle and came away with a Singing/Dancing DVD and a book for me.
My sister had turned me on to Laurie Berkner years ago. It is great entertainment for the kids with lots of movement and participation. I thought it would be great for rainy day fun. $3.99. I have watched it and it isn't as good as "We are The Laurie Berkner Band", but it is still good.

The book, "in a dark, dark wood" by the same author as "The Woman in Cabin 10," which is supposed to be pretty good, was stuck out in front of the books on the shelf. I picked it up, liking the looks of it and the thing that grabbed me was Reese Witherspoon's blip saying, "Prepare to be Scared" on the front. I love scary books and I haven't read one in quite some time that was actually scary. So we shall see. Hours upon hours of entertainment for me for $1.99.
And that's it. I spent $6.50 plus tax, but as I stated in my "Year of Corked Consumerism" post, all items were bought pre-owned. I won't be keeping track of going out to eat or groceries, just the items I bring into the house that are not consumable.
Grand Total: $6.50 for 1 bucket, 1 DVD and 1 book
Minus 2 big boxes of Media, Toys and Clothes
I'm okay with this.
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