Sunday, January 27, 2019

Corked Check In - Week 4

This week was so-so.  I was doing REALLY good and then we went to Tractor Supply.  I love that store!  It just so happens their Christmas stock was 50% to 75% off, including toys.  I have been very careful choosing toys for Elle and her friends, making sure they will actually play with them, that I will want to use them to teach and also that they won't be more of something we already have.  I KNOW my goal was to purchase only used and consumables, but I am weak when it comes to bright, colorful toys.

Look at these prices!  And look at the learning / teaching potential.  I am also in the process of potty training Elle and it does not hurt to have a prize or two stuck up my sleeve.  The total for these two toys was $15.00. 

I also bought 1 more UN-consumable thing, an LED night light bug zapper.
I have no idea at all if these work, but JR and I like to sit on the front porch in the evenings with Elle swinging and talking.  I figured I would give them a whirl and see if they help our flying insect population dwindle, at least while we are out there.  Originally these were $9.99, marked down to $3.99. 

The rest of my purchases were consumable, mostly seeds and sets for the garden and I got two rolls of 100 sq. ft of Christmas wrapping paper for $1.00.  Yes, please. 

This Saturday we headed to Bastrop to get Elle and I was once again dropped at Goodwill to play.  To show you what you can find when you look: 

Total purchase price was $28.00.  All used.

This weeks non-consumable, unused purchases total $19.00. 

I donated nothing, BUT I did clean out 1 desk drawer and threw out a bunch of old papers, I sorted through a ton of plastic bags in the pantry and cleaned out my never-ending corner cupboard where anything and everything that doesn't have a place ends up. 

This was a decent week.  Believe it or not, even though I am spending money, my spending has been curtailed immensely and I am not feeling put out by it at all.  I am really thinking about each item I purchase and even though I have put things in my shopping carts online and in stores, more often than not, I have been removing the items.  I am happy with how things are going. 

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