Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Corked Check in - Week 2

This was the wedding week for our youngest daughter, so I didn't have much time to think about purchasing anything beyond the wedding items already allotted for.  I did manage to purchase an additional gate clicker, tho.  There's always something!

I had started caring for another child part-time and we have a solar automatic gate at our entrance.  To make things easier and less of a pain in the cold and rain, I generally give everyone a clicker.  Sadly, their hours changed and the boy won't be coming here after all. It isn't like an extra clicker is a bad thing, but I didn't really need it.  Ugh.

Week 2:  Grand Total:  $21.51 NOT used / NOT consumable   FAIL

Getting back on track for week 3. 

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