Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Waste Not Want Not

I love not being wasteful. 

A while back I bought some bone in chicken breasts on sale and put them in the freezer.  Today I pulled them out and boiled them on the stove, making a broth.  I strained the broth and cleaned the chicken, saving the skin and fatty parts for the dogs.  I covered the dog bits with a little broth and will mix this with their food in the mornings to ensure Dexter actually eats the puppy food instead of the other food.  I typically use canned dog food for this, but this will save me about 2 cans or maybe even 3.

I chopped the chicken and used a little more than half to make a tortilla soup with black beans, corn, tomatoes, etc.  I used some of the broth to give the soup a consistency I liked, even tho it didn't call for it. 

I had 2 large breasts left over which I chunked and put in a freezer bag for my next meal which requires cooked chicken.

I now have a large bowl of broth cooling on the counter and it will make it's way into the frig and then I will skim the fat off in the morning.  I will then pour 2 C portions into canning jars and freeze for future meals. 

The only waste was the bones and I now have enough chicken for another meal, broth made w/ filtered water for many meals, a pot of tortilla soup which will feed us many many meals and a container of chicken skin and uglies for the dogs to eat 3 or so meals. 

I LOVE being frugal.  :) 

Ch Ch Ch Changes

I think we're going to actually do it.  I don't precisely know when, but I think we are going to make the move to Giddings.

We have talked about this for years, but when all 3 of your daughters are in the area and 1 is attending high school, the idea of a move seems fun, not a serious proposition.  But now, 1 daughter is planning a move to San Antonio, another has moved to College Station and the 3rd...well, I'm not sure where she is headed, but everyone is moving out.

We love it out there, even when it is dry and brown and ugly.  It is peaceful and ours.  We are at the end of a road, surrounded by trees on 3 sides and a deep pond on the 4th and the privacy is incredible.  Of course, I am living next door to a dog that won't let me cross my backyard without barking it's fool head off, but to walk along the trails and down to the creek without my neighbor blowing smoke in my direction or attempting to quiet his dog is pure bliss.

We have had a call into a well guy for the last few months to come drill a well, but the last time he was in the area, JR had to go overseas and the well guy hasn't been back our way yet.  He will have to drill approx. 600 feet to hit good water and it will cost a pretty penny.  When I sold the bookstore in Feb, we put the money aside for this and have been patiently waiting ever since.  We have been bringing 30 gallon jugs filled from our home here, which JR empties into the camper for washing up, ever since we bought the place.  It will be so nice once we have a direct supply of water.  It's one thing less we have to pay or worry about when we do move.  We could hook up to city water, but we plan to do a lot of planting of fruit and nut trees plus have a large garden and the thought of having to owe each month forever and ever is not very self sufficient sounding.

There is a lot to do here before we move.  We have a few house projects in the works and have a few more we have to complete before we put the house on the market.  We also need to find a house plan we want to build out in Giddings. This is no easy task.  I know what I want, but after looking at the plans for awhile I start questioning everything.  Then JR will take a look and throw his ideas out there and I'll get even more confused.

I have a strong desire to save money and not waste it on frivolous things.  I am not a big spender by nature, but even now, as I look on paperbackswap at books, I think, "I don't really need that.  I have hundreds of books to read here in the house already."   This is a foreign idea to me...too many books?  What a preposterous idea!  What has gotten into me?  :)

I don't know why, but it seems like it's really going to happen.  It might take a year or two getting everything set, but we are actively trying to move in this direction.  JR is going to complete the dock he started, we are going to get the well dug, and he is going to get started building a shed for the 4 wheeler, trailer and misc. huge space stealers, like the generator, the chipper, and things like that.

I have been trying to declutter, as always, but with a renewed vigor.  I'm only keeping my favorites, the most used and passing on the rest to family or friends or donating to a charity.  I'm cooking almost all meals instead of going out to eat, I'm deleting store emails and removing myself from tempting lists.  I'm still gardening and watching grocery store sales, but mostly, I'm not spending unless it has to do with improving this home or Giddings.  And that feels good.

It feels great to have a purpose, something to strive towards.  I am in no hurry, but I am excited, all the same.

Till next time,
       My dirty feet last weekend in Giddings.  The pond is shrinking and I got way too close to the edge. 


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Short Rant

I have a dilemma and I'm not sure what to do.

I walk our dogs every morning after I work out.  Typically this is around 6:45am to 7:00am.  I have to walk at this time because it is dark up til that point and Tyson gets dropped off at 7:30am.  It is just enough time to walk the dogs in the field, hop in the shower and then answer the door. 

Our new neighbor's have a dog that is driving me crazy.  No matter if I go early or late, the neighbor is out with his dog in the field which leads Dexter to jumping and lunging which rips my arm out of the socket.  Not the new neighbor's problem, I understand this.

But today, I am walking the dogs and the new neighbor's dog comes barreling around the corner and jumps on Dexter and growls.  Dexter, who is still a puppy, is forced the the ground and is trying to get up, but the other dog is stronger and keeps him pinned there.  I yelled at him to stop, and he jumped off and then right back on, this time with Dexter on his back. 

It is one thing for my dog to misbehave and pull my arm out of it's socket.  It is quite another for their dog to be tackling my dog to show his dominance. 

I finally got Dexter to come with me up the little hill and said, "Neighbor, come get your dog!"  The whole time the dog is trying to play with Dexter, jumping all over him. Finally the neighbor, at a leisurely pace because he doesn't want to spill his coffee, comes up and gets his dog. I didn't say anything because frankly, I was pissed and I don't want to start a war with a new neighbor.

I do not have time for this crap in the morning!  I am trying to walk my dogs in peace, get some energy out of them before they have to spend a majority of the day cooped up in the house because of the high temps. It is becoming more and more a source of stress and irritation. 

Do I just stop walking them in the field, the perfect place because they can do their business without offending anyone, they can run around without touching anyone's property, it is pretty and JR mows me a path to the creek to walk on?  Do I continue to go and just keep Dexter on a short leash if I see them coming and ask him to get his dog?  Do I start walking them in the front on the street with a shorter leash, so not to bother anyone who happens to be doing morning exercise?  Where does he do his business?  The street?

I hate walking along, and then seeing them, knowing we are going to be assaulted by their dog.  It stresses me out.  It takes the joy out of walking them.  It sucks. It also sucks that if I stop walking my dogs in the morning he gets the whole field to himself for being an inconsiderate dog owner.

No, I think I will stay as I am, walking when I want and when or if the neighbor's dog continues to hassle Dexter, I will ask him to please keep his dog off of mine. 

I shouldn't have to ask this.  He should do it without me asking.  What the heck is wrong with people?

A move to the country is becoming more and more appealing.

Til next time,

Friday, September 16, 2011


I love being at home, always have.  I like the fact that I have time to stay on top of  most things.  I love reusing, recycling, making things from scratch and let's face it, this takes time.  I like having my photos organized, my dogs walked, my flowers watered and my floor vacuumed.  I like doing it myself.  I like trying new recipes and so much goes into this, finding the recipe, buying the ingredients and learning how to make it.

I read a while ago that in the olden days people had servants or the woman didn't work outside the home and that's how these things got taken care of.  With dual income households nowadays people resort to services to clean their house, clean their pool, mow their lawn, organize their houses, etc., which costs money, which requires a second income which requires you to be gone from your home.  This is fine for some people, but it isn't my style.

I am constantly trying to eat healthier, eat more fruits and veggies, back off refined foods, have things that are good for us prepared and waiting for our hungry bodies to grab them.  I try growing our fruits and vegetables and fail more often than succeed, but the process warms my heart.  The planting, the digging, the observance of the first green shoots breaking through the ground and if I actually can eat off the plant, what joy that brings me!

I do not use chemicals in my garden, none.  I make compost from kitchen scraps and have 3 rabbits who provide me with a little extra oomph.  I collect leaves and grass clippings and sprinkle coffee grounds on my acid lovers and bananas under my roses.  I collect the hair from my brush along with the eggshells from  my breakfast and give them to my tomatoes.  I love doing this.

I am an avid reader on all things considering self sufficiency.  I like books on apocalyptic events and how people survive.  If there is a gadget that is non-electric, I want to have it.  I collect hurricane lamps anytime I see one marked down at a store and I have oodles and oodles of books on returning back to basics.  I don't want the way things are to end, but I love learning how to survive if they do.

We have 22 acres out in the country and have plans that include an off grid lifestyle.  We have electricity and plan to keep electricity, but as we build and mold the property into a second home, we are looking into solar, wind, water and other resources to sustain a comfortable life out there if something were to happen.  It excites me.  It makes me feel good.  Even here, when I save the water from my shower and water my thirsty flowers.  When I take a bucket of rain water out to my peppers it makes me feel...independent, like I have some control over how things go.

Let's face it, it's a crazy world we live in and if I enjoy learning how to take care of me and my family the old fashion way, all the power.  You just never know.

Til next time,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Settling In

It has been awhile, but I'm finally getting a routine established.  Kimbre is off at college, enjoying life, enjoying her classes, enjoying being off on her own, I'm sure.  She never had many rules while she lived at home because she didn't need them.  She consistently made the right decisions and that has carried forward with her.  I miss her, although we do see her fairly frequently.

Tressa is trucking along in school, working hard towards attaining her goal and doing wonderful.  She is working as a waitress at BJ's, supporting herself, and plans to move to San Antonio to attend college there in January.  Her lease is up in October, I think, and she is planning on staying here for the 2 months before her move with her cat, Maeby.

I don't really know too much about what is happening with Morgan right now except that she is working at a Greek restaurant in Kemah and living with Tressa.

I have been watching Tyson, who will be 4 mos on the 20th, since August and he is so darn cute!  He is a really good baby, they all are, but I think he is exceptional.  :)  He does have his moments, but don't we all?!?  I bought out half of League City, plus borrowed a few things from my sister and we have plenty to do for fun.  We take a walk before it hits 100 degrees everyday, but have mostly been inside from the heat and now the mosquitoes.  I have no idea where these mosquitoes have come from since it hasn't rained in ions! 

I had still been very consistent with my working out, getting up around 5:30am, working out, walking the dogs in the field, feeding the rabbits, showering and then waiting for Tyson to arrive and then back out for a walk in the front before it got too hot, but I caught a bug and then got a tetanus/whooping cough shot at the Drs when I went for my physical Mon and have felt like crud, so have been skipping the work out.  I might be milking it a little bit, but I feel it is more important for my body to use it's energy in recovering from the sickness than to build muscle.  I'll be back on track soon.

Also, we have new neighbors down the street and he has chosen the exact same time as I have been to walk his huge dog.  This wouldn't be a problem because his dog is very well behaved, but mine is 10 mos. old and is not.  Dexter acts like he's a sled dog and yanks and pulls me across the field towards them and let's just say the good feelings I had from walking him before have flown right out the window. 

One of the few times I did let Dexter off the leash to go play, the other dog pinned him on his back on the ground and wouldn't let him up while he growled at him.  I don't know if you know anything about Dexter, but even though he is a big dog, he has the best temperament of any dog I have ever owned.  He is ALWAYS happy.  I was a little offended the new guy didn't make his dog back off and I definitely don't want Dexter becoming mean.

I have been trying to go earlier, which is difficult because it is dark until 6:40am, but he's out there and then I tried going later, but he's still out there, so I started having JR walk them after he returned from the gym, but I miss walking them in the morning.  I like it.

Once Tyson gets picked up, I wait for the temps to drop to the low 90's, and then take the dogs out again, along with a Ziploc bag with small pieces of steak from the freezer, and try to train Dexter not to pull.  I have been using the word, "back" which I gleaned from my sister, Tonya.  I always hated the word "heel" and "come" and "back" sounds so commanding when you say it.  He is doing better, but needs more practice.

Other than babysitting the little guy, trying to train the dog, and missing my kid, I have been planting and watering the veggie garden, but these 100 degree days are tough going.  I'm not sure if I'm going to have much of a garden this fall if this keeps up.  My squash are doing terrific, but everything else looks a little sick.  I had planted spinach and lettuce which are not coming up, broccoli which started coming up, but is trying to go back under the ground, peas which look peaked, green beans look OK, but not enough are sprouting yet, cucumbers which are wilting and it's too hot for my peppers to set fruit. Time will tell.  We have been watering with our rain collection, but before long, that's going to be gone.  Rain would be nice!

All in all, things are falling into place.  It's taken me ten times as long as normal to post this, but hey, I'm not bored.  lol

Til next time, Pam