Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Waste Not Want Not

I love not being wasteful. 

A while back I bought some bone in chicken breasts on sale and put them in the freezer.  Today I pulled them out and boiled them on the stove, making a broth.  I strained the broth and cleaned the chicken, saving the skin and fatty parts for the dogs.  I covered the dog bits with a little broth and will mix this with their food in the mornings to ensure Dexter actually eats the puppy food instead of the other food.  I typically use canned dog food for this, but this will save me about 2 cans or maybe even 3.

I chopped the chicken and used a little more than half to make a tortilla soup with black beans, corn, tomatoes, etc.  I used some of the broth to give the soup a consistency I liked, even tho it didn't call for it. 

I had 2 large breasts left over which I chunked and put in a freezer bag for my next meal which requires cooked chicken.

I now have a large bowl of broth cooling on the counter and it will make it's way into the frig and then I will skim the fat off in the morning.  I will then pour 2 C portions into canning jars and freeze for future meals. 

The only waste was the bones and I now have enough chicken for another meal, broth made w/ filtered water for many meals, a pot of tortilla soup which will feed us many many meals and a container of chicken skin and uglies for the dogs to eat 3 or so meals. 

I LOVE being frugal.  :) 

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