Saturday, February 26, 2011

5K Checked Off the List

3.1 miles in 30 minutes 21 seconds.  I am consistent, I'll say that.  My body likes to run a 10 minute mile. 

I spent the day with Nancy R yesterday, picking up race day packets, having lunch and shopping.  By the end of the day I was more stressed about the race than when the day started.  I KNEW I could run a 5K, I have run the distance on the treadmill and outside without dying, so what was wigging me out, I have no idea. 

I slept HORRIBLE...waking up every hour and looking at the clock.  I heard everything and got out of bed once to let out our new puppy, Dexter.  Isn't he sweet?  :)

I finally got out of bed at 5:30am and started getting the animals fed, Kimbre's breakfast, (she had an early water polo game) and things ready for the day.

I was really nervous while waiting for the race to start.  I couldn't imagine running with all those people touching me.  I can't imagine a lot of people touching me ever, let alone while I'm running.  Jenna and I pretty much stuck together the whole race, which was cool.

It was invigorating.  There was so much to see, so many people to swerve around, music blaring and spectators hootin and hollering.  I liked it. 

There is a 5K in Brenham in April sponsored by Blue Bell Ice Cream and I sent out an email to the same group that ran this 5K to see if they wanted to do it.  At the end there is ice cream.  :)  The other cool thing they have is a 10K relay, which looked fun. 

I don't think I'm hooked...


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